
Saturday, May 2, 2015

Welcome! To the Beginning..

I am the Green Warrior and you can be one too!

First for legal purposes I need to state that I am not a physician nor a certified nutritionist or any other  kind of certified professional who's allowed to dish out shitty information and corporate bullshit propaganda for any of these companies and industries that seek to gain from our illnesses and demise.  Everything I write about in the blog is about my own personal experiences, the experiences of people I know and the information and research that I have carefully been studying and testing on myself for years. Now that were finished with the mandatory "disclaimer", let's get to work.

I am a 29 year old single mom of a kick ass 7 year old. She's awesome! (yea I'm pretty proud) I'm also a film actress living in hollywood. While I continue to pursue my career in film and tv I also developed a huge passion for health and fitness and helping others. I enjoy all things fitness and have always been involved in sports and dance since I was kid. My health was not always of big importance though and as a result that look its toll on my body. 

I developed several of what I call "health opportunities" 2 of which are Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia. I was unable to walk, sit up unassisted or grasp things in my hands and gained uncontrollable weight. I was told a wheelchair was in my near and permanent future.I could not work anymore. I lost my home and became homeless with my daughter. My car got repossessed and basically all hell broke loose. Worst of all I could not pick up my precious little girl anymore. 

After seeing my mother cure herself of terminal cancer with natural treatments I knew taking a more active interest in my health had to be first in order for me to prevail. I began to eat clean and develop my mind and attitude and start taking small steps in fitness. I’ve lost over 30 lbs so far and dropped 4% body fat just in the last week alone. I can not only sit up and walk, I can run and I haven’t been able to do that in years. Best of all I can pick my daughter up and hold her again. 

I have control over my health opportunities. Because of this I do not take for granted my health and fitness anymore. Since I have learned to value myself and my health I have a passion and a desire to help others see their own value and achieve their own goals. So I am excited to be a part of that change and be a part of a revolution in health and fitness and to show others that impossible is just a word and failure is a stepping stone to success. ANYTHING is possible!

So no matter what your story is or what you've been through or what you are going through right now, I know from personal experience, you CAN do this!

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